Risk Management

For any company, Risk Management & Safety should be just as important as the Accounting or HR Department.

Thanks to Sterling Consulting Resources
You Can Keep Risk And Losses In Check!
Many companies do not realize how easily they could avoid claims and injuries with a solid Risk Management plan. In fact, there are very few areas that could have such a dramatic impact on your company’s bottom line as controlling risks and reducing exposure with Risk Management and Loss Control.
That’s why Clifford & Bradford developed its own in-house Loss Control Department – Sterling Consulting Resources, LLC. As with our other services, we sought out the country’s foremost experts to provide our clients with Risk Management services second to none.
Even if you already have a Risk/Safety Department, it’s critical to have a highly experienced, objective eye review your program. You see, it’s not about what you’re doing right…it’s about what you could be overlooking that leaves your business vulnerable to needless claims that chip away at your profits.

Risk Management and Loss Control
At Sterling Consulting, we believe risk management and loss control not just about reducing premiums. It’s also about sending your employees home safely to their families, each day.

Here are just a few of the Risk Management services we are proud to offer our valuable clients
Hazard Evaluation & Identification
Loss Reduction & Prevention
Safety Programs Review
Loss Trend Analysis
Management Development
At Clifford & Bradford and Sterling Consulting, when we say, "We Protect. You Prosper," we mean it. Let's work together to see how we could reduce your exposure and, ultimately, lower your insurance costs.